Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spellbound Response

Studying, studying, and more studying is all the participants have done in the prior months. They have spent hours and hours learning how to spell the word, the origin of it, where it comes from, and how to pronounce it. Angela has worked very hard to prepare for the competition. She has used different methods to study that is fun for her; like making a crossword puzzle. Ashely also finds exciting ways for her to study, as she jump ropes with her friend she chants each letter of the word she is spelling. They both found ways to enjoy learning. Before the competition started Angela was nervous unlike Ashley who appeared calm. When it came to them spelling the word Angela was used a calm approach contrasting Ashely as she nervously freezes on stage. They both has similar reactions to their lost. Angela was not upset when she lost and said that she "felt relieved." Ashely says that its what she loves to do and that to her it does not matter what place she comes in. Over all the they both had similar tactics as well as the way they see the competition as.

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