Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Early break?

With all the cancellations added up its as if we have had already our spring break..but not really. Dont get me wrong i enjoyed having those days off but then again i would of rather been at school getting in the days required by the state and not have to come a week longer in JUNE. We were originally suppose to get out the 1st of June and now were up to the 9th. Thanks so much mother nature ... n o t!! Tuesday i didnt really do much, just slept in and stayed at home for the day. I was diffidently expecting to get closed on Thursday and i was rather shocked when we did. I slept in but not as much as the days before. I went out to eat with my friend and had a good time out. We talked about how it would be nice to have Friday off because then we would of had a four-day weekend. AND i didnt doubt it one bit that we would get closed when i looked outside at 3am and saw cotton size snowflakes falling. That day i woke up early and stayed awake since i had already gotten more than enough sleep from the night before. Friday there wasnt really much to do due to all the snow. Saturday i got to go to Chicago! We went to the Navy Pier and i got to see some friends that live there. I saw a movie on Sunday, Roommate, thought it was going to be scary as in the previews but it turned out to be more suspense than anything. It got predictable at times but i guess it wasnt a bad movie. overall i had a great extended weekend but i am upset about how much school has been pushed back to.

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