Sunday, January 23, 2011

Catching Fire

One of my favorite books is The Hunger Games. I read it earlier this year and it was very good. Ive now started read the next book in the series "Catching Fire." So far i have read all of part one. Once i think  i know whats going to happen next the unexpected  happens. I just found out that Catniss might have to go back into the hunger games because its the 75th year of the games. As for Petta maybe not since there are two guys to choose from. I also found out that there may be a possibility that there may be a thirteenth district. Most of the districts are starting to rebel against the capital. Im not sure of what is going to happen next.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


today i finished reading the book "A Called "It" "
"wow" is really all i can say. From where i had left
of, the content of the book didn't really change other
than the extent of the punishment David received. It 
only got worse and worse. i still wonder how/what 
caused this women to change in such an anger manner.
everything seemed so "perfect" and "right." David did
escape that horrible living nightmare. With the help of
teachers and staff they free`d him from that evil heartless
monster. In this book it does not explain what happen to
his parents or his siblings. i imagine both parents went to 
jail for a given amount of time, but as for the other children 
i`m unsure. It list two other books that are suppose to 
answer questions any reader may have. it also has two 
other books that i`m guessing have to do with child abuse.
in the future i am planning on reading the rest of the books 
that follow his life. i might even take a look at the other two
shone in there. 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

a child called "it"

I recently started to read this book. some friends had to told me that i should because they had really liked it even though it was really sad and violent. 
im about halfway through reading the book. it is honesty shocking to read everything that the child suffered through. 
I don`t understand how someone so loving and caring could change so drastically and even more towards her own child. How could any human be so cruel to another human being. i`m not sure if i missed it or what but i don`t understand why the mother changed her feelings all of the sudden the way she did. at first i thought it was because her husband has left her but that`s not it. so i`m still wondering about that. 
I`m frustrated, mad, and discussed about the mother. But i`m even more mad at the father for letting it happen. At first he was unaware of what the mother was doing to one of his three children because she only did it when he was away somewhere or when he was working. But later he found out what was going on and even though he argued with his wife about giving him those punishments he never really tried. yes he would "lose" in their arguments between each other but he still could have done other things like call the police or report it as child abuse. Was this man scared or afraid he might get punished too for something  he didn`t do? At the beginning he might of not but in the middle when he just stood there and watched his son swallow Clorox or other household cleaning products and watched as his son fought for air and did absolutely nothing to stop it, then he would have gone to jail also. 
This kid was very brave for having the courage to try and survive  and win this battle against his monster mom. I`m eager to finish this book and find out what ends up happening to his parents.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

ehh..not a hit

Earlier this week i started to read "Outliers." Definition of outlier: 1. something that is situated away from or classed differently from a main or related body. 2. a statistical observation that is markedly different in value from the others of sample.
This book has to do with the second definition. When i first started to read the first few pages it was interesting but i as read further and further it got boring because it seemed to repeat the same things over and over again.   
I read up to page 40 and up to there it explained different situations with common statistics. The observations that were made was that the more talented or successful a person is was usually born towards the beginning of the year. One of the example was a Canadian hockey team. It showed that the boys who usually were the most talented or "best" in their age rage had birthdays towards the beginning of the year. 17 out of the 25 players on the 2007 Medicine Hat Tigers hockey team had  birthdays within the first four months. 
The book goes on about how similar observations were made for other things.
It`s not that it is a bad book but just not interesting enough for me to keep on reading. Maybe later on i will finish this book but for now i am moving on.  

Monday, January 10, 2011

when life gives you a hundred reasons to CRY show life a thousand reasons to
These two sayings right here are probably my two favorites. The first one explains it`s self and is just beautiful. The second one makes you think a little and realize it`s true. No matter how hard something is or how wrong it`s going it is never a reason to give up, just a reminder that you are a human and it`s ok not to be perfect and that things happen for a reason, whether it`s good or bad. Never show your "haters" your weakness.