today i finished reading the book "A Called "It" "
"wow" is really all i can say. From where i had left
of, the content of the book didn't really change other
than the extent of the punishment David received. It
only got worse and worse. i still wonder how/what
caused this women to change in such an anger manner.
everything seemed so "perfect" and "right." David did
escape that horrible living nightmare. With the help of
teachers and staff they free`d him from that evil heartless
monster. In this book it does not explain what happen to
his parents or his siblings. i imagine both parents went to
jail for a given amount of time, but as for the other children
i`m unsure. It list two other books that are suppose to
answer questions any reader may have. it also has two
other books that i`m guessing have to do with child abuse.
in the future i am planning on reading the rest of the books
that follow his life. i might even take a look at the other two
shone in there.
You do a great job of showing detail and using descriptive wording in your blogs! Maybe try to make them a little more personal, but great job...keep up the good work!!