Tuesday, March 29, 2011

where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Some of the students just by looking at their picture and their description of what they would like to do you can tell that that would be something they might choose. For example the first girl wants to be a hair and makeup artist. If you were to picture her working for a magazine doing hair and makeup you could totally see that. her appearance pretty much says it all. umm one i find hard to picture is the one girl who wants to be a physical therapist. if i were to ever need to see one i would want them to look nice and gentle but she appears more rocker type with her piercing and the way she is dressed. of course thats just a stereotype. The Asian guy i could see him as a doctor but hes not really setting his standards high. he mentioned in his little speech something about if he did do his work and hes only planning on going two years. at the beginning he mentioned that he wanted to be a pilot but he cant because of his vision so then hes going to be a doctor because thats what his family expects him to be. the red head girl who wants to be an actress has a long road ahead of her. in 10 years i hope to be done with college and be working in a hospital and in good economic conditions.

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