Tuesday, March 22, 2011

1000 awesome things

-Coming back to your own bed after a long trip.
i totally agree with this. I remember when i was
in elementary school and i went on vacation for
like 3 weeks. it felt so good when i got home to
sleep in my own bed again!

-Correctly guessing if the door is push or pull.
hmmm i dont think i find this "awesome" i dont
really try to see if i am right. usually i find
out once i have already tried opening the door
the wrong way and look like a complete idiot in
front of people.

-When a cop finally passes you after driving behind you for a while.
YESS!! that does feel awesome.haha even though
i know i am not speeding or doing anything wrong
i just feel paranoid when there is a cop around.
specialty if i am driving care free (not in a wreckless way)
then out of nowhere..BAM..the cop car appears. then when
it disappears its like..ahh..you can finally breathe.

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