Monday, February 28, 2011

2.28 diction exercise

October- Robert Frost


level of formality:
medium(understandable and clear)
connotation: poetic(unbound, broad-minded, and formal)
sound: soft and flows well

Robert Frost uses a variation of diction in his poem, October, which expresses the beauty of nature in the changes it goes through during the fall season.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dogs are miracles with paws. ~Attributed to Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy

"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face. "
Bern Williams

2.23 Diction Exercise

-Ernest Hemingway- A Farewell to Arms


level of formality: Medium ( plain and simple)
connotation: literal ( limited, narrow, scarce, and casual)
sound: smooth

In the excerpt from A Farewell to Arms the author does not use an abundant variety of words which implies that Ernest Hemingway does not use abstruse vocabulary and is rather forthright in the passage.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

dear snow, please go [a w a y]

Is it too early to start wanting spring break to come ?
i think not!! lately with this nice weather we have been having it
makes it seem like we should be on spring break. i am so tired of
all the snow. it was pretty for a while but now i just want it gone.
the part i do hate about the transition between winter and spring is
the melting of the snow. everything turns into slush and dirty puddles. yuck!
not only do i want it to come because of the weather but because that
would implicate that we would almost be done with the year and this
year diffidently has seemed like the longest year of my life. every other
year has gone by so fast. i think its because this is the year where i am
taking important classes at the same time and some of the teachers
that i got this semester i don`t like how they teach, so i guess that could
be another factor why it seems to be going by soooo slow. either way
spring needs to get here a.s.a.p !!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

love pink ? ;)

Elle Woods from the movie Legally Blonde appears to be outgoing which portrays that she has a bubbly personality. She is dressed from head to toe in pink as well as her dog Bruser. Their matching outfit suggest that Elle is a confident and also that she loves pink. Elle is standing in front of what seems to be a white court house building wearing a very nice professional suit that implies that she could be a lawyer. Her proper posture compliments her and her tiny dog Bruser.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

teen driving

Its obvious and everyone already knows that most teenagers drive crazy with friends around and make bad decisions. I agree and disagree at the same time with the teen driving article. yes teens are more tempted to do crazier things when they are with their friends, but it could also go the other way too. Some teens have already experienced the outcome of taking risky choices. whether its because it happened to them themselves or to someone who was close to them. 
some teens may feel more pressured to make bad choices when friends are around because they may be insecure and think that if they do all that that it will make them cool. either way there are smart teens out there who know better than to let other people influence them into making the wrong choice.